Pleiku Restaurants/ Dining Scene

Pleiku is not especially known for its cuisine. Nonetheless, there are dining spots in the area that can pleasantly surprise such as the My Tam 1 and My Tam 2 restaurants. Their best dish is the roast chicken with rice.
Those who want an extensive dining selection should visit Acacia Restaurant in HAGL (Hoang Anh Gia Lai) Hotel, which can be found in the south of town. Aside from remarkable Thai dishes, the establishment also serves Western fare such as fish and chips, burgers and spaghetti as well as exotic dishes, like a plate of weasel or pangolin.
Travellers who enjoy great views should eat in Thien Thanh as the restaurant is located on a side road that dips into the valley; it has seating in a hall which surrounds the edge of the rice fields, allowing diners to see the hills in the distance. They serve Vietnamese fare and provide English-language menus.