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Thac Bo Temple

The relic of Thac Bo Temple is one destination contained in the tourism circuit around Hoa Binh Reservoir that every year attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors in Vietnam travel who come to admire and worship.

Bo Temple Festival is held once a year on the seventh day of lunar January and lasts till the end of the lunar March.

Magic Cave hill where Thac Bo temple is situated

About 100 kilometers away from Ha Noi (Hà Nội) in the direction of the west, Thung Nai, that is a commune surrounded by Da (Đà) river, has been a destination attracting several tourists to drop in for a long time when they visit Hoa Binh (Hòa Bình). This place was previously a valley with many herds of deer gathering; now it becomes the fairly fascinating and wild destination after the hydroelectric dam is completely built.

Hoa Binh Province North Central Vietnam

Thac Bo - Thung Nai

From Ha Noi city, tourists go along the highway 6 to Hoa Binh province, after visiting Da river hydroelectric dam, have a next drive of about 5 kilometers, and then turn out of highway to a small road around the mountain side. They will go on a boat at Thung Nai station to have a sightseeing of islands. There are Thac Bo(Thác Bờ) float market happening on Sunday morning every week, two temples worshipping Mrs. Dinh Thi Van (Đinh Thị Vân) who is Muong (Mường) people in Hao Trang (Hào Tráng) and a Dao woman in Vay Nua (Vầy Nưa) who helped King Lê Lợi to have food and rafts with her efforts when the king fight against Deo Cat Han (Đèo Cát Hãn) enemy in 1431. In the previous time, this temple was placed in the lake‘s heart, but since there has been Hoa Binh hydroelectric dam, it is moved to higher position. Both temples are highly supernatural and often organize the uniquely spiritual activities such as attending a séance on the early day of new year or ceremony of offerings to worship those women.

Around the foot of Thac Bo temple are the rafts raising fishes. Nearby, There is a fairly beautiful cave named Bo (Bờ). On the day of high tide, the boat can row deeply through the cave. Far from the temple about 1 hour of rowing a boat, there is Ngoi Hoa (Ngòi Hoa) village belonged to Muong people, which is very wild and isolated. Furthermore, tourists can also visit to Vay Nua waterfall, Phong Lan island, Qua (Quạ) island