Pleiku Shopping

Almost all streets in this city are lined with shops that sell wholesale merchandise. Pleiku is also one of only two cities (the other is Buon Ma Thuat) that sells authentic Central Highlands hill tribe handicrafts. Visitors who are fortunate enough to reach this area in Vietnam can get really unique souvenirs.
Unfortunately, the shopping scene is Pleiku is also fuelled by poaching with many stores that sell products from endangered species. For instance, leopards and marbled cats are often killed to be stuffed and sold, the teeth and claws of Asian black bears and moon bears are also extracted and made into lucky charms and souvenirs. Two of the most shocking pieces sold in the city are rhino skin and dried forest cow stomach; the former is taken from the Javan Rhino, one of the rarest mammals in the world, while the latter is from the endangered Gayal or Gaur.